من نحن
بدأت شركة عربي قطر ذ.م.م. عملياتها في قطر في أوائل عام 2004 ومنذ ذلك الحين ونحن نقدم منتجات ذات جودة عالمية وخدمات موثوقة للسوق المحلي في قطر.
نحن قريبون من تحقيق نفس سمعة الشركة الأم لدينا في الكويت باعتبارها واحدة من اللاعبين الرئيسيين في نفس الصناعات وكذلك في عمان
إن وجودنا في السوق لأكثر من نصف عقد يضعنا في أعلى مرحلة تنافسية من حيث الموثوقية وجودة المنتج والكفاءة والنزاهة وإدارة علاقات العملاء، كل هذه الصفات أصبحت ممكنة بفضل الدعم الذي قدمته لنا إدارة شركة عربي - الكويت الذين يمارسون هذه التجارة منذ عام 1963 وهم عضو من مجموعة العربي القابضة - الكويت.
لا يمكن لهدفنا أن يضع نهايته في هذه المرحلة لأننا نعتقد أنه لا نهاية للتنمية. سنقوم بدورنا في دعم رؤية الأمة القطرية لتكون واحدة من الدول الرائدة في الشرق الأوسط ولخدمة هذه الأسباب، نلتزم بتزويد السوق بأفضل المنتجات عالية الجودة والتأكد من الامتثال لجميع متطلبات عملائنا.
هدفنا هو خدمة الأمة بما يتجاوز توقعاتها
One of the leading companies in Kuwait established in 1981. Five well established and financially secure companies merged to form the Arabi Holding Group. This merger enabled these companies which retained their individual identity, to be merged corporately, thus increasing their effectiveness, by coordinating their combined expertise and financial resources. These five companies, each of which had made a significant impact in the rapid advances in Kuwait, are now able to offer their valuable services to Kuwait and other countries. Arabi Company W. L. L. is the largest and most successful of the Five Companies which form Arabi Holding Group K.S.C.

One of the leading companies in Kuwait established in 1981. Five well established and financially secure companies merged to form the Arabi Holding Group. This merger enabled these companies which retained their individual identity, to be merged corporately, thus increasing their effectiveness, by coordinating their combined expertise and financial resources. These five companies, each of which had made a significant impact in the rapid advances in Kuwait, are now able to offer their valuable services to Kuwait and other countries. Arabi Company W. L. L. is the largest and most successful of the Five Companies which form Arabi Holding Group K.S.C.

One of the leading companies in Kuwait established in 1981. Five well established and financially secure companies merged to form the Arabi Holding Group. This merger enabled these companies which retained their individual identity, to be merged corporately, thus increasing their effectiveness, by coordinating their combined expertise and financial resources. These five companies, each of which had made a significant impact in the rapid advances in Kuwait, are now able to offer their valuable services to Kuwait and other countries. Arabi Company W. L. L. is the largest and most successful of the Five Companies which form Arabi Holding Group K.S.C.
