This website is operated by Arabi Company Qatar W.L.L. (ACQ).
Before using this website, please carefully read and agree with the following terms of use.
Copyrights, Trademark rights, etc.
The contents and all the information on this website (includes trademarks, logos, etc.) are protected by copyright laws, trademark laws, various treaties and other laws of individual countries. It is strictly prohibited to use such information for the private use by an individual, or to otherwise use (or reproduction, transmission, distribution, modification, sales, publication, conversion and posting) beyond the range permitted by laws and regulations without obtaining a prior approval by ACQ.
ACQ cannot guarantee to update and amend all items of information on this website in a timely and appropriate manner.
ACQ further assumes no responsibility for any direct, incidental, indirect or deliberate damage caused by accessing this website.
ACQ may change the information on this website without prior notice. ACQ also reserves the right to suspend or terminate the operation of this website.
- Third-party websites linked to this website (“Link Sites”) are managed and operated by the operator of the Link Sites as their own responsibility, and users shall follow the conditions of use / site policies of such Link Sites. ACQ assumes no responsibility for the contents of the Link Sites or any damage caused by accessing these sites.
- In providing a link to our website, linking to the top page ( is required, as ACQ may change and terminate each page of this website without prior notice.
- It is absolutely prohibited to link from any website with the following contents:
- Information against public order and morals
- Illegal contents
- Malicious slander regarding ACQ or Arabi Group companies
- If you want to link to our website upon agreeing with the above conditions, please click “Contact Us” and use the “Contact US Inquiry Form”, fill out your name, telephone number, e-mail address, URL of the website from which you link to our website and the date of linking by the user in the “Contents of inquiry (How can we help?)” and send the form to us prior linking.
Handling of personal information on this website
- Purpose of obtaining the personal information. When you provide us with your personal information, such information shall essentially be used for provision of information about improvement, responses to inquiries, delivery of requested catalogues and identification at the time of using members’ website.
- Management of personal information. ACQ properly and carefully manages and controls personal information to prevent unauthorized access, loss, falsification, or misuse.
- Disclosure of personal information to third parties
Personal information provided by the customer shall not be disclosed to any third party except for the following cases:
If the customer agrees to the disclosure,
If the information is disclosed in a way no individual identification is possible,
If the information is disclosed to third parties such as business partners to which ACQ outsources its business with which ACQ has already concluded a
confidentiality agreement for the purpose of use.
If ACQ judges that it is appropriate to respond to the contents of your inquiry by our Group company, Group company of Arabi Group etc.
If required by laws or regulations or by the request of low enforcement.
- Inquiries about personal information
For notification of the purpose of use of personal information, requests for disclosure, correction, termination of use, etc. of inquiries about our handling or personal information, please click “Contact Us” and use the “Contact Us Inquiry Form”.